Corporate Membership 1-Off Payment Organisation Name * Name of Managing Director * Name of Compliance Officer * Business Type * Select Bank, Trust or Company Management Insurance Company Accountants or Auditors Lawyers Other Name of Money Laundering Reporting Officer * Business Address * Authorised Representatives will be sent a username and password in order to access the members area of the website, including forums, training materials and event information. There is a limit of 3 representatives per organisation. 1st Authorised Representative 1st Authorised Representative Name * 1st Authorised Representative Tel No. * 1st Authorised Representative Email * 1st Authorised Representative Address * 2nd Authorised Representative 2nd Authorised Representative Name 2nd Authorised Representative Tel No. 3rd Authorised Representative 2nd Authorised Representative Email 2nd Authorised Representative Address 3rd Authorised Representative Name 3rd Authorised Representative Tel No. 3rd Authorised Representative Email 3rd Authorised Representative Address Select No. of Employees Less than 10 Employees Less than 10 Employees More than 10 Employees More than 10 Employees Total £ 0.00 Submit & Pay